'Twas the day before Christmas,
There was so much to do,
But one baby didn't nap,
No wait, make that two.
There were presents to wrap,
And cookies to frost,
A whole house to clean,
But their best toys are lost.
There were stockings to hang,
And dishes to wash,
Cards to sign off on,
What's this spill? Oh my gosh.
There's vacuuming to finish,
And mantles to dust,
They threw lunch on the floor,
Cleaning's a bust.
There were pets to be cared for,
And dress shirts to press,
But before we do that,
We must clean this mess.
There were babies to clean,
But the towels aren't yet dry,
They got left in the washer,
Why, goodness, why?
There's garbage to empty
And laundry to fold
But your twins want to snuggle
And you know you've struck gold
The carols are playing,
The chocolates flow free
Your living room's glowing,
Lit up by the tree.
There's still stuff to do,
But you relax for a bit,
You kick up your feet,
And you melt where you sit.
The groceries can wait,
You can grab them real fast,
So, soak up their kisses
These moments don't last.
As the day carries on,
Every item gets done,
With hugs and sweet giggles,
To make things more fun.
As the evening wears on,
And their bedtime's in sight,
Sing, "Merry Christmas to all,
With no wake-ups tonight!"

Happy Holidays from all of us at TwinsyTwins to all of you! Merry Everything and Happy Always!
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