Joovy Room2 Playard Twin Nursery Center Bassinet Playpen One Baby Home From Nicu Cropped
Source: TwinsyTwins

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When it comes to newborn babies, one of the things that's top-of-mind for parents is ensuring their little ones have a safe sleep.

What exactly that safe sleep space looks like may differ from household to household.

Some people prefer having a separate bassinet for each twin in the early days, when you have them sleeping in the room beside you.

Others like the idea of having a bassinet made specifically for twins, like the Joovy Room2 Playard,

The Joovy Room2 Playard is designed for children up to 35 inches tall, who are unable to climb out of it on their own.

What makes this playard a good fit for anyone who has multiple babies is that it's almost 50 percent larger than your traditional pack n' plays, which are a good size for a single baby but get cramped as soon as you think about putting two in there together.

With over 10 square feet of space, there's plenty of room for your little ones to play and nap in the Joovy Room 2. It's nice having such a big and enclosed area to lay your little ones down if you need to zip off to the bathroom quickly; you can breathe a sigh of relief (pun intended) knowing they're in a safe space with enough room that they won't be accidentally kicking each other in their quarters.

This playard is durable, comes with a waterproof sheet, and has edge-to-edge mesh windows on all sides, so parents have great visibility, no matter where they're supervising their babies from.

And, so far, we're just talking about the playard and how useful it is during your daytime hours.

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Joovy Room2 Playard

Extra Space for Your Extra Baby

This is the Joovy Room2 Playard. Combine this with Joovy's Twin Nursery Center Bassinet Playpen (sold separately) for the ultimate bassinet set-up for your newborn twins.

When the sun sets, this baby shines

Joovy Room2 Playard Twin Nursery Center Bassinet Playpen One Baby Asleep
Source: TwinsyTwins

After a long—and usually tiring—day of caring for your double-bundles of joy, nighttime starts to creep in and you may begin wondering how the bedtime routine is going to unfold.

But when the sun goes down, this baby (the playard, not YOUR babies) can transform from a piece of everyday baby gear into a piece de resistance.

If you pair the playard with Joovy's twin nursery center, you can create a customized, essential piece of baby gear for families with twins.

The only catch is you have to buy this additional accessory separately from the Joovy Room2 Playard.

Normally, I dislike having to buy things separately, especially if it just makes sense for things to be bundled together, but in this case, I can cut them some slack, because it just works so darn well for the newborn twin stage.

This magical accessory is called the Twin Nursery Center Bassinet Playpen.

This accessory, in my opinion, is a must-have for this playard during those early days at home with your newborn twins.

This accessory, in my opinion, is a must-have for this playard during those early days at home with your newborn twins.

The bassinet area holds twins up to 15 pounds each (30 pounds in total), and it has an optional, removable divider, so your babies can sleep in separate sections on their own or snugly side by side while you wait for them to zonk out.

Joovy Room2 Playard Twin Nursery Center Bassinet Playpen Two Babies Home From Nicu
Source: TwinsyTwins

As you can see above, Baby B would often try to reach underneath the divider to grab a hold of his bigger brother during naptime. Rather than risk his arm getting caught below the divider, we'd let them lay side by side at nighttime while they fell asleep before transferring them to their own side.

Joovy Room2 Playard Twin Nursery Center Bassinet Playpen Two Babies Sleeping Before Being Transferred
Source: TwinsyTwins

The Nursery Center accessory also has a removable diaper changing pad incorporated into its design, which can slip up and swoop into action, if needed, for those late-night changings. The change table can hold up to 25 pounds and has a water-resistant surface, so it's easy to wipe down and clean.

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Joovy Room2 Twin Nursery Center With Bassinet   Playard Accessory Only Playard Sold Separately

Joovy Twin Nursery Center Playpen

A Double Bassinet Accessory for Your Playard

This is the Joovy Twin Nursery Center Bassinet Playpen. Add it to Joovy's Room2 Playard, and you'll have the perfect bassinet set-up for your twins.

Extra baby, extra sheet

Since you've already seemed to double up on babies, it may come as no surprise that you should also consider doubling up on fitted sheets for the playard / nursery center surface.

From personal experience with my twins, I can assure you, you'll want to have a back-up on-hand, if possible, so that if any accidents happen, or the day gets away from you (trust me, it will), you aren't waiting on the dryer to finish up before you can put your babies down to sleep.

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Joovy Room2 Waterproof Fitted Sheet

JOOVY Room2 Waterproof Fitted Sheet

Waterproof Protection

This is Joovy's Room2 Waterproof Fitted Sheet. It has an all-around elastic design, ensuring a snug fit, and its waterproof nature protects the mattress, even when blowouts threaten otherwise. It has a soft, high-quality cotton top and an aborbent waterproof layer underneath that protects against bacteria. It's machine-washable and can be tossed in the dryer for a quick clean and refresh when needed.

Because when they're ready to fall asleep, there's a limited window where they'll go down peacefully, and that means there's no time to waste.

Double bassinet working double time

Deciding on the right bassinet set-up for your twins can be a tough decision AND a big investment.

You don't want to make the wrong call.

In the end, you'll know what works best for you and your family.

I know the Joovy Room2 Playard paired with Joovy's Twin Nursery Center Bassinet Playpen was a homerun in our household.

The day they outgrew it was a sad one, but it led to bigger and better things (read: their own cribs, sleep training, and spectacular stretches of uninterrupted, quality sleep that we hadn't seen in months). When it's time for you to consider sleep training your twins, you can read all about what worked for us, here.

Did you go with two single bassinets or a double bassinet set-up for your twins? What did you like best about your set-up? Let us know in the Comments section below.

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