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Love Sleep? This Double Bassinet is Essential for Families with Twins
When it comes to newborn babies, one of the things that's top-of-mind for parents is ensuring their little ones have a safe sleep. What exactly that safe sleep space looks like may differ from household to household. Some people prefer having a separate bassinet for each twin in the early days, when you have them sleeping in the room beside you. Others like the idea of having a...

A Huge Weight Lifted: 3 Things to Help Carry Your Growing Pregnancy Belly
When you get pregnant, you often wonder when you're going to start showing. Maybe it's because you're excited to show off your baby bump and you can't wait until it makes an appearance. Or maybe it's because you're hoping to keep your impending parenthood a secret from, say, your workplace until you're further along. Whatever your reason, every pregnancy—and its corresponding...

Your Baby Might Have This Bump on Their Heel if They Spent Time in the NICU
If you welcomed twins into your family within the last year, you're likely soaking up all the sweetness that comes with having newborn babies in your midst. (Yes, there ARE sleepless nights and endless cycles of feedings and changings, but let's not delve into that here…but if you ARE in the throes of the newborn stage with your twins, feel free to check out our advice for getting...

3 Apps Every Parent Should Install Right Now!
Screen time has been a thing since the days of tube TVs in the family room. However, with more tablets and smartphones in homes than ever before, screen time becomes an unavoidable part of parenthood. How much time you choose to give your kids is an important decision to make, and equally important is what kinds of things will be on those screens.

These Massage Techniques Can Improve Your Babies’ Sleep
Getting consistent, quality sleep is crucial to a person's overall health and well-being. Prioritizing sleep, improving sleep habits, and embracing healthy sleep practices can have a significant impact on one's physical and mental health. Sleep hygiene, or the healthy sleep habits that promote restful sleep, can pave the way to waking up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. When you have...

Traveling with Twin Toddlers? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Pack
Traveling with twin toddlers can seem like a daunting idea. Initially, it sounds like fun. Then, slowly, it starts to feel scary. Traveling by air with those same twin toddlers can seem like a much more daunting idea. The logistics or lists of what you'll need might even be enough to turn you off of the idea until they're old enough to be "self-sufficient" and help with at least...

Tiny Toes, Big Adventures: Reef Little Ahi Flip Flops Are Made for Minis
Anyone who has a toddler knows how treacherous the journey can sometimes be. They'll be walking along proud as punch and then they'll get distracted by something and lose their footing, and you'll be glad you were holding their hand to prevent them from tumbling and scraping their knee. Throwing new shoes into the mix can certainly make things interesting. Especially flip flops, and...

Five Reasons Why Snap-Closure Bibs Are the Way to Go
Before having twins, I thought all drool bibs were one and the same. A bib's a bib's a bib. And, then, I became a twin mom and tackled the tremendous, teetering loads of laundry that come with having two tottering, teething babies at the same time, and I've come to realize, that just isn't true. I can now say with confidence—and warn other parents of multiples—that bibs with a snap...

Why We’re Flipping Over This Early Education Game
Who doesn't love a good pancake? The only thing better than getting to eat a soft, fluffy flapjack is playing with your food. Pancake Pile-Up by Educational Insights lets your toddlers do just that (without any of the mess), while teaching them fundamentals for early education. This game is stacked with tons of fun things for your toddlers, and the bottom of the game box doubles as...

Tips for Traveling with Toddlers & Prescription Medicine
Air travel is anxiety-inducing enough on its own. There are crowds of people, long lines at security checkpoints, and plenty of people who are worried they're somehow going to inadvertently break a rule. The last thing you want to do is throw extra steps into the process. But, sometimes, you don't have a choice. We had our first big trip with our toddlers planned. We were very...

Teach Your Toddlers to Brush Up on Oral Health
February is Children's Dental Health Month. While dental health is important all year-round, this month aims to promote healthy oral hygiene habits, so your little ones can learn to clean their teeth properly and brush off the threat of tooth decay and gum disease. When should my children first go to the dentist? If your toddlers haven't been to see the dentist yet, now's the time...

Get Your Toddlers to Eat No Matter What’s on the Menu
Whether it's at the office or from within your home, after a long day of work, the last thing you want to do is endure a long, drawn-out mealtime with your toddlers, who suddenly refuse to eat a single thing. It's also not an ideal way to start the day, battling during breakfast to see whose will fades faster. It doesn't matter that you've made these meals with love. It doesn't...

Tired of Frozen Wipes? This Simple Trick Will Save You
If you live somewhere where the temperatures stay above freezing all year-round, you've likely never encountered this unique problem. The one where you're cruising down the highway with your twins in tow, keeping an eye on them in your rearview mirror. They're smiling and having fun while you rock out to Raffi. And, then, you see the grimacing face in your rearview that tells you it'...

What is a Feeding Tube & Why Does My Baby Need It?
If your babies were born prematurely, chances are good they'll need to spend some time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). As a parent, it can be difficult to walk into the NICU, make your way to your newborns' cribs, and see there are various wires connected to them to monitor their vital stats. Among the accoutrements that weren't adhered to your babies mere moments ago when...

Essential Audiobooks Every Parent Should Check Out
As a parent, you have probably told yourself tons of times that you're going to read more on a certain subject or take the time to look something up when you get a few spare minutes later this week. And as a busy parent to multiple children who's running all over town to daycare drop-off, after-school pick-up, or a handful of extracurricular activities throughout the week, you probably...