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As kids grow up, they go through different phases where they absolutely love one thing.
In a home with twin toddlers, this could range from dinosaurs to unicorns. Or, for what feels like far too long (especially when you want to watch literally anything else), Peppa Pig.
What obsession has swept your household?
But, sometimes, these kicks kids get on can be a lot of fun for parents, too. And if a car obsession has captured your household, these are a few toys that can make playtime fun for everyone in the family!

City Designers: Puzzle Play Mat
At first glance, this looks like the classic floor car mat. And it is, but it's more! This mat is actually made up of several interlocking foam pieces, allowing your toddlers to map out their own city! Kids can have a blast designing new layouts and changing the roadways to suit their creativity as they play with this unique car mat. And when not in use as a roadway, it's a comfy play mat for any activity.

Too Fast!: Hot Wheels Fast and Furious
While it's likely a few years before your children will be watching their first Fast and Furious movie, as long as they're 3+, they can enjoy the Hot Wheels experience! This is super fun for parents and kids together, as the grown-ups will recognize icons from the Fast and Furious films (like Dom's Charger) through these 1:64 scale replicas, the kids are just going to enjoy cruising around with some fun new Hot Wheels! Or possibly fighting over "the orange one," so maybe get two packs!

Story Time: Never Touch The Dirty Diggers
The Never Touch The... book series is so great for young kids. The unique feature of these books is the 3D elements on each page, inviting little kids to learn through sensory input while they enjoy a story. These books are a hit in our home (and our nursey library can prove it). For kids who love cars, Never Touch the Dirty Diggers will introduce them to some new types of vehicles, as this one is focused on heavy equipment for road and building construction.

Let's-a-Go!: Mario Kart Race Track
In the category of "Toys Grown-ups Also Love," there's nothing quite like a classic race track. This is as iconic of a design as any other "slot" race car track you remember from your childhood, but nowadays, the kids get WAY cooler options for what the cars look like. Even Mario and Luigi versions! You can create a flat single tier, or an overlapping figure-eight race layout. This track features fun Mario Kart elements and it runs on batteries, so there are fewer cords for toddlers to trip over!

Mini Mechanic!: Kids Mechanic Repair Set
This one's for the older kids who love to tinker and build! This playset recreates the front-end of a big truck, so your mini mechanic can get under the hood and stay busy! Between the lights, car sounds, and fun of taking things apart, they won't even realize this is secretly an "edutainment" toy, teaching them development and dexterity skills as they work on their problem solving abilities to repair this rig! Between tools and parts, this set includes 61 different pieces.

Magnetic Attraction!: Road Building Set
Maybe you've seen these fun magnetic sets before, but have you ever seen them for road construction? These magnetic tiles snap together, allowing your kids to design their own streets and speedways. They'll love laying out and planning their route, and then tearing up the tarmac with their favorite toy cars. There are road signs, nature features, and the ability to build multi-level overpasses. Plus they're compatible with any other BigShu magnetic tiles you might already have in your toy box!
Roll on!
A love of cars is something fun parents and kids can bond over together. And it can also be a great opportunity for learning.
Pointing out the different colours of a vehicle, the shapes on a car or truck, and designing a simple or complex roadway to race a toy car down provides an opportunity for learning and bonding.

Plus, if you get one of those race car sets, you can teach your twins a lesson in losing gracefully!
What do you think of this collection of car toys? Have you gone through a car-obsessed phase in your household? If so, hit us up in the comments and tell us what that was like for you and your family. And the favourite car-themed toys that brought the household together!
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