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In the fall and winter months, an increased exposure to germs through travel and gatherings with family and friends often leads to a surge in cases of RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), COVID, cold, and flu.
As anyone who's had a nasty bug or virus can attest to, one of the last things you want to do when you feel like you can't stomach a single thing is be forced to eat.
But if your little ones can't keep anything down, that can be another story. Their bodies can be depleted quite quickly and they need energy (and rest) to recover and heal after a bout of illness.

Because maladies have a tendency to work their way through each member of the household, you'll want to make sure you have a recipe for recovery as soon as you notice someone's under the weather.
Because nobody wants to be dealing with two vomiting babies simultaneously.
Trust me.
I've been there.
At 2:00 a.m.
It's not pretty.
And you run out of clean pajamas and bedding awfully fast, no matter how fast the sanitize cycles on your washer and dryer are.
In general, it's a good idea to keep a bottle of Pedialyte on-hand to help your infants or toddlers rehydrate and replenish any lost electrolytes if they're vomiting or having episodes of diarrhea.
If they're not a fan of Pedialyte (either flavored or unflavored), you can see if they'll have a popsicle or let ice chips melt in their mouth to help keep them hydrated.
Four Foods to Help Your Baby Feel Better Fast

If your kids are having trouble keeping their usual food and drink items down, you may choose to try the BRAT diet, which our pediatrician recommended when our twins both caught a nasty bug.
The BRAT diet is a bland diet that is low in fiber, protein, and fat, so it shouldn't be adopted for the long-term...
The BRAT diet is a bland diet that is low in fiber, protein, and fat, so it shouldn't be adopted for the long-term, but when used temporarily, it can alleviate the ill effects of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
It consists of foods that are gentle on the stomach and are easy to digest:
- Bananas
- Rice
- Applesauce
- Toast
Depending on how old your kids are and what they're able to eat, crackers, oatmeal, boiled potatoes, and chicken broth also fall into this easy-on-the-tummy menu.
When dealing with an upset stomach, it's best to avoid raw vegetables, fried foods, and items that are high in sugar, fat, spice, dairy, and citrus.
When to talk to the doctor

If your children are younger than six months of age and can't keep fluids down, consult their doctor on how best to alleviate their symptoms, how to keep them hydrated, what to monitor, and when to take them in.
(And, of course, if your kids, whatever their age, are running a steady fever, their illness persists, or you're worried at all, call their pediatrician or take them in to be assessed by their health care provider).
Children who are older than six months and can embrace the blandness of a BRAT diet paired with plenty of fluids will likely start to feel better after a couple of days.
Once they perk up and seem to be getting back to their usual demeanor, try to slowly incorporate some of their usual menu items, see how they settle, and, before you know it, you'll be able to revert back to their usual well-balanced diet.
Have you temporarily tried the BRAT diet in your household? Did it allow your family members to keep food down and recover from their illness? Let us know in the Comments section below.
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