Nursery Cribs Hero
Source: TwinsyTwins

It seems like such a small thing, but having your twins' cribs always ready for a lie-down makes putting them down so much easier. How hard can it be, you're asking yourself. Usually, not hard…except for when accidents happen and you're suddenly trying to keep one baby, or both of them, out of a dirty crib that you need to freshen up as fast as you can because usually, whatever the accident is (wetting the bed, throwing up, etc.), is upsetting to your little ones.

When you're putting together your nursery, you're going to want to make sure you have two absorbent mattress protectors for each twin's crib and at least two fitted sheets for each baby, but you'll likely want to have three or four fitted sheets for each twin, so that if you want to freshen up the top sheet but don't need to swap in a new protector because it's still dry and clean underneath, you don't have to wait for an entire load of laundry to go through.

You're probably saying to yourself, but I have two absorbent protectors for each baby, like you said, why can't I just put the extra one into the crib at this point? And that's because each extra protector will already be in the crib. Here's why.

When you make up your cribs for your twins, you're going to double-up on the layers in each one…both the absorbent mattress protector layer and also the fitted sheet, for four things in total in each crib (protector, sheet, protector, sheet), so that when your baby wets the bed or vomits out of nowhere, you can just breeze through the accident by peeling off the top sheet and absorbent cover to unveil clean and ready-to-use bedding in mere seconds.

Crib Sheet Layer Trick
Source: TwinsyTwins

When you make up your cribs for your twins, you're going to double-up on the layers in each one…you can just breeze through the accident by peeling off the top sheet and absorbent cover to unveil clean and ready-to-use bedding in mere seconds.

The best part is you can do this one-handed while holding and consoling the upset twin, but it's impossible to put a fresh protector and sheet onto the mattress using just one hand. I cannot tell you the number of times I have breathed a sigh of relief knowing how quickly and easily the clean-up went because I'd done this.

Using this handy little trick, you don't have to worry about hurrying to get your twins' laundry into the washing machine while simultaneously getting them their breakfast, just to make sure their bedding and sleep sacks will be clean and dry before they need to go down for their naps. Because with twins, we don't necessarily always hear the washing machine when it finishes its cycle, and there's nothing worse than remembering, with horror, that the bedding needs to go into the dryer right as you're lifting them into their cribs and asking yourself where their sheets and sleep sacks are.

Instead, you can pat yourself on the back for helping yourself out with these dual layers and wait to throw their laundry on later in the day. No frantically looking at the time remaining on the dryer when your twins are getting scarily close to being overtired and very loudly letting you know they need to lie down right now. Do yourself a favor and try this out. And then, tell the others.

Do you have a tip that makes changing the bedding in your twins' cribs a breeze? Let us know in the comments section below!

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