Kushies C Snoozing Like Grandpa
Source: TwinsyTwins

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What do twins and socks have in common? They come in pairs. Thank you, and goodnight!

Just kidding, we're only getting warmed up. But now you know we're talking about twins and socks, so I've done my job.

You're probably thinking, "Socks? Who cares about socks?" And the answer is, "Me." I do. And I never knew I'd be so passionate about the socks I put on my twins' feet…until I noticed that load after load of newborn laundry went on with only one sock per pair in many instances. And it was a lot of laundry because having two babies calls for double the amount of clothing; everything from sleepers, to onesies, to shirts, pants, and–you got it–socks.

I never knew I'd be so passionate about the socks I put on my twins' feet…until I noticed that load after load of newborn laundry went on with only one sock per pair in many instances.

So, what was happening to all of these socks? They'd eventually be reunited with their cozy counterpart, but not until a day or two later, when we'd find a random sock that somehow slid into a couch cushion or was abandoned in the car during our last outing to the pediatrician.

We'd been given a shocking supply of socks from friends and family, and we were grateful for their fabulous footwear, but we quickly learned that the only socks that didn't constantly fall off our babies' teeny tiny tootsies were Kushies, which my sister, who is a nurse in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), swore by when she gave us a six-pack.

I thought, "Man, she's sure excited about socks for babies. Weird." But, it wasn't weird at all. She's been working with newborns for over 15 years. She's met and helped many premature and/or low-birth weight babies over the years, and in that time, she's learned a LOT about which socks suck when it comes to staying on little newborn feet.

Now, I get it, and I agree with her. And I want to save you from the super sock struggle.

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Source: Amazon

Kushies are, hands-down, the best socks for newborns. Full stop.

If you're having twins, there is a good chance they'll arrive early. Premature and low-birth weight babies still have developing to do and have little body fat. They aren't able to adapt to temperature changes as well as adults can. Even healthy, full-term babies may not be able to maintain their body temperature.

Kushies T House Elf
Source: TwinsyTwins

When they're too cold, newborns draw on their energy and oxygen to warm themselves, so keeping your babies at an ideal temperature (think Goldilocks: not too hot, not too cold, but juuuuust right) will help them build up their reserves.

Because Kushies stay put, you suddenly have no more separated socks as you tote your tots to multiple places.

One way to keep them comfortable is with a pair of socks that don't fall off everywhere you go. Because Kushies stay put, you suddenly have no more separated socks as you tote your tots to multiple places. No more parted pairs in the pediatrician's parking lot. You can say, "Sayonara" to socks singled out at your sister's house. They'll become a thing of the past if you fill your twin's closet with Kushies. Well, don't fill it…they won't be wearing Newborn-sized Kushies forever. But they do also come in Size 3-6 Months, too, so it wouldn't be wrong to grab a couple of pairs of those while you're at it.

Kushies Twins Going Home Outfits
Source: TwinsyTwins

Not only do these socks stay in place, they're made of a soft terry material, so they won't irritate your newborn babies' sensitive skin. They don't seem to shrink in the wash (and they were washed and dried MANY times in the months our twins wore them), and they don't get pilly, unlike most of the other brands of socks in their drawer.

Plus, Kushies are cozy and cute, so they'll complement any outfit, whether your twins are rockin' their "Going Home" outfits or just lounging around the house with mom, dad, or the sea of visitors they're sure to be entertaining over the coming weeks.

Kushies Shop


For all the reasons we described above (comfort, value, actually stay on tiny newborn feet) we think Kushies are the very best socks for newborn or premature twin babies.

Is there another item of clothing that you found to be an unbelievable help with your newborn twins? What was it? Let us know in the comments section below!

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