Dual Feeds Newborn Twins Sleeping Side By Side In Moms Lap Muslin Blanket Twin Z Pillow After Breastfeeding Wider
Source: TwinsyTwins

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If you're about to welcome twins into your family, you're likely making sure your home is set up and ready to go as you embark on your journey to survive the newborn stage with multiples.

You may also be wondering about the logistics of feeding sessions with two little babies. This could look different depending on how you're planning to feed your children. Will they be exclusively breastfed? Will they be bottle fed expressed milk and / or formula? Will they have a mix of both options depending on the day?

If you're planning to breastfeed, you might be considering the best way to do a dual feed with two newborns who have zero neck strength and need your support until they get bigger and stronger.

Twins are often born premature and may need more time to learn the mechanics of breastfeeding (how to latch, sucking, and swallowing). Preemies often have lower birth weights and could be at a higher risk for serious health problems, like infections, necrotizing enterocolitis, and sepsis.

Feeding your babies breast milk (or even just partial breast milk) in the early days can help provide the nutrition and protection your multiples need, and it can also help lessen the risk of allergies and other medical concerns, like asthma and diabetes.

Establishing a milk supply for multiple babies

Breast Milk In Bottles
Source: TwinsyTwins

Producing milk for one baby, nevermind two, is hard work, and you may be worried whether you'll be able to produce enough milk for two brand-new babies.

Every woman is different, and every pregnancy is different. You won't know until it's go-time if you'll be able to produce enough milk for two until you're in the throes of feeding multiple babies simultaneously.

You may be producing milk like a champ for several months consistently, and then, out of nowhere, your supply might dry up, so I suggest, even if you are intending to exclusively breastfeed your twins, to have a small stash of formula on-hand, so that if your supply ends without warning (like mine did at 2:00 a.m. one day), you'll be able to relax, knowing you've got enough for your babies' next feeds in your house already.

There are a few things you can do to try to increase your supply, if needed.

Regularly swapping which baby gets which side can help your body produce equal amounts of breast milk on each side and can also help prevent the likelihood of clogged milk ducts.

Try to always alternate which breast your babies are at, putting Baby A on the left and Baby B on the right for the first feed of the day, and then switch them back and forth each time after. This will especially make a difference if one of your babies is a stronger feeder. Regularly swapping which baby gets which side can help your body produce equal amounts of breast milk on each side and can also help prevent the likelihood of clogged milk ducts.

Or, if you're in a situation where one baby is still asleep while the other is feeding, pump the side that isn't being used for a feed. This will signal your body to continue producing milk at the same rate it's been used to up to that point.

Breast Pump Medela Freestyle Closeup
Source: TwinsyTwins

If you want to keep your supply steady while maximizing your time, your best bet is a double electric breast pump because you can pump both sides simultaneously after you've done a dual feed with your babies, or you can pump one side independently, if you're actively feeding a baby on the other side and don't want to miss a pumping session while your other little one is sleeping.

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Medela Freestyle Hands-Free Breast Pump

This is the Medela Freestyle hands-free breast pump. It will allow you to maximize your time while pumping.

You may have heard the term "supply and demand" when preparing for your twins' arrival. This means that after the first few days, your body will produce enough milk for your babies if you breastfeed them when they want to eat. If you find you aren't producing enough milk, nursing more often can help with this.

Having to feed multiple babies can make you feel like you're under extra pressure to produce enough milk.

Having to feed multiple babies can make you feel like you're under extra pressure to produce enough milk. As difficult as it may sound, try to ignore this feeling. Being rested and relaxed (haha, I am laughing as I type this because the newborn stage with twins doesn't exactly set this stage) can help with your supply.

It takes a lot of effort and dedication, especially when navigating roadblocks like sore or cracked nipples, engorgement, or trying to correct a low supply, but breastfeeding your twins can be beneficial for the health of your little ones.

How often do my babies need to feed?

Dual Feeds Newborn Twins Sleeping In Moms Arms After Feeding Twin Z Pillow Boppy
Source: TwinsyTwins

If you're a first-time parent or a first-time parent of multiples, you may be worried you won't know when your twins are hungry. Don't worry, they'll let you know when they're ready to feed.

You may notice your babies are rooting around with their mouths and looking for a food source or putting their hands in their mouths. Our babies did both of these things, but they also got what we call "hungry brows," where the skin around their eyebrows got pink-tinged. As soon as we saw those brows change hues, we knew it was time to get ready for a feeding session.

If you don't catch these pre-emptive signs, don't fret; you definitely won't miss their cries informing you they'd like to eat.

Newborn babies have very tiny tummies and need to eat between 8 and 12 times every day (this includes overnight feeds) in the early days. By the time they get to be around one month old, their feeding sessions will drop a bit, to around seven or nine sessions in a 24-hour period.

Other parents opt to feed their babies on demand, rather than by a set schedule, feeding their babies anytime they see hunger cues. With twins, if you decide to feed by cues, you might start to feel like you're ONLY doing independent feedings non-stop—especially when they go through growth spurts and introduce you to the world of dual, on-demand cluster feeds.

With breastfeeding, it's hard to know exactly how many ounces of milk your babies are getting in any given feeding, but you'll be able to tell if they're getting enough by their weight gain.

Set up your breastfeeding station

Twin Z Pillow Tandem Feeding
Source: TwinsyTwins

Before your twins arrive on the scene, you'll want to invest in a breastfeeding pillow and set up an area that has the supplies you'll need for feeding sessions. You may even want to set up a station on each floor of your home, depending on where the babies will be sleeping and where you'll be spending the majority of the day.

The right pillow set-up will take the strain off of your back, shoulders, and wrists.

It was handy having a double nursing pillow for tandem feeding (the most popular twin feeding pillows are the Twin Z Nursing Pillow and the My Brest Friend Breastfeeding Pillow).


Twin Z Nursing Pillow

The Twin Z Nursing Pillow is our pick as the best nursing pillow for tandem feeding your twins.

At your station, you may also want to include supplies such as washcloths, muslin blankets, or burp cloths, so that everything is within reach and you don't have to get up if you suddenly find yourself in a dual splash zone and need to do a quick clean-up.

You should also plan to have a water bottle and some sort of snack available before you start a breastfeeding session. It takes a lot of energy to produce milk for two babies, and you want to do everything you can to keep your energy levels up—as up as they can be with a set of newborn twins at home.

Keep the lights low and silence your phone to keep distractions to a minimum and crank the relaxation level up. This will contribute to the overall ambiance and help ensure you and your babies are taking the time you need to for feeding sessions.

Positions for dual breastfeeding

Dual Feeds Newborn Twin Sleeping Side By Side In Moms Lap Twin Z Pillow After Breastfeeding
Source: TwinsyTwins

One way to streamline feeds with your newborn twins is to feed your babies at the same time. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends parents of multiples implement simultaneous feeds.

Tandem feeds are certainly more difficult and may require help in the early days to get your babies into position and latched properly, but if you (and your babies) can get the hang of it, you'll save yourself some time by feeding your twins simultaneously.

A double-nursing pillow designed specifically for breastfeeding twins can provide support in all of the right places. It's up to you to experiment with different feeding positions and see which holds work best for you and your dynamic duo. Most parents of multiples start with the double football hold, which is usually the easiest with premature babies who have no neck control.

Dual Feeds Newborn Twin Sleeping In Moms Lap Muslin Blanket Twin Z Pillow After Breastfeeding
Source: TwinsyTwins

Double football or clutch

This hold allows you to support both babies' heads with your hands while getting them into place and latched. Place each baby on your forearm, so they're tucked alongside your torso. They should be resting on their side with their feet sitting by your elbow and ribs. Position their heads by your breasts. Having one baby on each side will give you more control, but as your twins grow, this hold will be more difficult to use because their feet will extend to the back of the couch or chair you're using.


This is when you cradle your baby in your arms, so that their heads are at your breasts, their bodies are laying on your arms, and their feet or legs rest in your hands. This hold is trickier with newborns who don't have neck control, but if someone helps you get your babies into position, it can work well.


An ideal option for smaller newborns who are swaddled, this hold has you place each baby's body on top of one another, so their heads are at opposite breasts while you cradle them. Stacking your babies in this way allows you to recreate the snugness of the womb. You may notice one prefers being on the top, while the other prefers being on the bottom; likely, similar to the set-up they shared in utero.


This hold works well as your babies get older and bigger. Sit slightly reclined and cradle each baby. Have one lay diagonally across your body, so that their feet are at your hip and their head is at your breast. Set up your other baby in the same position on the opposite breast and hip. Their body will wrap over their twin's.


This hold works nicely when your twins have more neck control. Sit in a reclined position with your babies on your chest, so that they're resting somewhat upright. Cradle your little ones and let gravity work its magic to help keep them in place.


This hold is handy when you want a break and once your twins have good neck control. Recline with both babies lying diagonally across your torso. You can also try laying back and having each baby sit upright on either side of you.


When your babies are older and can sit upright, try sitting down and placing your little ones so that they each sit upon one of your thighs and are facing toward your chest to nurse.

Dual Feeds Newborn Twin Sleeping In Moms Lap Twin Z Pillow After Breastfeeding
Source: TwinsyTwins


Above all else, don't be frightened to mix and match holds to see which combination works best for you and your gang. One hybrid hold that works well for many parents of multiples is the cradle-and-football position.

If you gave birth to your babies via C-section

Dual Feeds Newborn Twins Sleeping On Moms Chest After Breastfeeding
Source: TwinsyTwins

Anyone recovering from a C-section will want to avoid using a breastfeeding pillow that sits across their abdomen. Instead, use bed pillows behind your back and neck, under your arms, and across your belly until your incision site is further recovered. You can also use pillows to bring your babies closer to your breasts while you are healing.

You can give breastfeeding a go in a laidback position, ensuring they have a clear airway. A football hold is also a positon that works well for feeding after having a C-section.

Once your recovery is further along, you can try a side-lying position, which will allow you to rest while nursing your newborns. A reclined hold is another nice option that allows you to sit up and feel while in bed.

While you're recovering from your surgery, it's incredibly important to take it easy and to take your prescribed medications because high levels of pain can have a negative impact on your breastfeeding journey. Talk to your OB/GYN about the pain medications that are compatible with breastfeeding.

Positions for dual bottle feeds

Dual Feeds Newborn Twins Bottle Feeds In Moms Lap Medela
Source: TwinsyTwins

If you're planning on bottle feeding your twins expressed breastmilk or formula, there are a few different ways you can handle dual bottle feeds.

If your babies are born premature, you may be able to safely hold both babies in your lap and give them their bottles that way in the early days at home.

Once your babies are bigger and starting to move around more, you'll want a more secure method for doling out the dual bottle feeds.

It's so helpful to have two single Boppy-style pillows available for caregivers to help support each baby while doing feedings.

Boppy Nursing Pillow Infant Newborn Feeding

Boppy Nursing Pillow

Boppy Pillows are so handy if you need to feed both babies' separately but at the same time. Each caregiver can then use a pillow to help support each baby while feeding.

Although we'd invested in the Twin Z Pillow (and we have absolutely gotten our use out of it), I was surprised with how much we used the dual standalone Boppy Pillows. They've been integral to keeping our smooth operations running on a daily basis.

If you're wondering what else you should buy singles or doubles of if you're expecting twins, you can read all about that, here.

Alternatively, using two separate infant rocking chairs can allow you to safely feed both of your babies while they're buckled into their seats.

Dual Feeds Newborn Twin Bottle Feeding Medela
Source: TwinsyTwins

If you need to supplement your twins' feedings with additional calories to promote weight gain or essential vitamin intake, offer them a smaller amount of ounces first, to be sure they're taking it all in, and then offer their regular amount afterward.

Night feedings

Dual Feeds Newborn Twins Sleeping In Moms Lap After Eating
Source: TwinsyTwins

Overnight feedings will become simple if you can learn how to breastfeed both of your twins together while lying down.

Keeping to a schedule at nighttime, rather than feeding on demand, will also make overnight feeds flow much more smoothly. Sometimes, keeping to the schedule calls for bottle feeds overnight rather than breastfeeding sessions.

Trial and error

Dual Feeds Newborn Twin Sleeping In Twin Z Pillow After Feeding
Source: TwinsyTwins

Whether you're breastfeeding or bottle feeding one baby or multiple babies, it will take trial and error to find the methods and positions that will work for you and your twins.

Consider investing in a breastfeeding pillow, like the Twin Z Pillow or multiple Boppy Nursing Pillows, depending on your set-up and on how you plan to feed your little ones. Using special pillows allows you to tackle this hands-free, so you can support your babies and get them into position.

When your twins are newborn and you're still learning about the different tandem positions for feeds, it may be helpful to have someone nearby who can pass your babies to you, so you can focus on getting them positioned and latched effectively without worrying about dropping anybody.

If you're running into issues with latching or are struggling to feed both babies at the same time, it's okay (and encouraged!) to reach out for help and additional support for breastfeeding your twins.

There are organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics or La Leche League International that are ready to offer insight as you embark on this journey with your precious babies.

What position did you find worked best for breastfeeding your twins simultaneously? What did you find worked best for dual bottle feeds? Let us know in the Comments section below.

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